Transformulas Eyelifting Gel Review

Some of us girls don’t want to use a cream day after day to see results. As much as I love testing and verifying the claims of all of these different eye creams, I do get tired of it from time to time. The cool thing about the Transformulas EyeLifting Gel is that it doesn’t need to be applied day after day for you to get any benefits. You can just put it on when you are ready to go out, just like makeup, and have a “virtual eyelift” for up to eight hours.

If you think that you’re starting to show signs of aging, but you aren’t quite ready to start using creams on a regular basis, this is probably the perfect product for you!

It was really something when I started using Transformulas Eyelifting Gel. It’s amazing the way the product works. It won’t do a great job at reducing dark circles under your eyes, but that’s not really what it’s there for. It will help to tighten your skin up, reducing the wrinkles and puffiness. It only takes a few minutes after the application to see it start working, and it will hold up throughout the whole day. It’s perfect for those of us who only need to look a little better for that special occasion!

Product Description
One of the things that I liked about this product was that it came in gel form, not a cream, but I’ll talk more about that later. It is designed to lift, cool and calm the skin. You really feel as though you are going back in time. Your skin comes alive and really feels awake as the gel minimizes the lines, wrinkles, and bags.

Active Ingredients
Transformulas three active ingredients include beech tree bud, Kigelia Africana, and Hydroxypropyl Cyclodextrin. The Kigelia provides the majority of the benefit and is well known in Africa as a medicine for many different maladies.

What I Like About This Eye Cream
As I stated earlier, I really like that the product comes in Gel form as opposed to a cream. It really helps when it comes to application and cleanup. Even though the other products I tried weren’t really “messy” they weren’t quite as easy to manage as this one was. It would be great if many of the other products out there could come in gel form, too, because they wouldn’t be as messy.

What I Don’t Like About This Eye Cream
Of course, I don’t like the fact that I have to use a product to make myself look younger. But who would? Other than that, I really wish there was some way they could get it to work on the bags under your eyes. But that’s probably not possible!

Overall Conclusion
I can’t say enough about this product. It really did a great job returning me to the vibrancy of my youth. My husband and I only got together a few years back, and he had never seen me look so young before. He doesn’t know I’m using the gel, but he keeps telling me that there is “something” about me that he just can’t put his finger on, lately.

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